
The sad reality is that there are many people who are willing to put up with a terrible boss just to get paid. Here are a few pointers on how to deal with a difficut boss.

Determine what drives your boss

Trying to understand why your supervisor acts the way they do can help you determine whether this person is acting negatively on purpose or is simply dealing with a high-stress job. In the event that your boss is under a lot of stress, you may be able to tell him or her how this is affecting your work environment. An in-depth understanding of your manager’s behaviour and motivation can help you see things from their perspective and open up avenues of communication about your boss’s difficult demeanour.

Consider if you could be doing things better

When things don’t go according to plan, people tend to point the finger at their bosses. Consider whether your boss’s “horrid” behaviour toward you is the result of poor communication skills or if it’s your lack of efficiency that is bringing out the worst in them before deciding that your boss is bad. Try putting in extra effort on measurable goals that you both agree on and see if it pays off.

Maintain a top performance

If an employee continues to make the same mistakes, their bosses will get on their case. Do your job to the best of your ability to keep them from bothering you. They’ll probably avoid you if they see how meticulous you are about your work. Make a list of all of your mistakes and work your way through them one by one. Even when you have zero mistakes, it is most likely not you who is getting hammered.

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Keep meticulous records of all activities

If you notice that your boss is harassing or bullying you, begin keeping a journal of every instance in which this occurs, as well as the circumstances surrounding it. You’ll never know when you’ll need to share this information, so making sure you have complete control over every aspect of the incident is critical. Bringing up these issues without any evidence is not something you want to do. If nothing else, you’ll be able to look back and see what not to do when you’re the boss one day.

Prevent confrontation in the open

It can be extremely upsetting when your boss is being unreasonable with you. Your entire body can be infuriated by it. You may feel as if you can’t help but want to scream at your boss in frustration at times. Because there are times when retaliation is warranted. Don’t. Giving them more reasons to pick on you is the worst thing you can do. Don’t succumb to the violence and lose your composure. As a result, wait until the situation has calmed down before responding in any way. Nothing is gained by ratcheting up the tension.

Take into account their point of view

“Stay close to your friends, but keep your foes closer,” says the saying. When dealing with a difficult boss, those wise words ring true. Consider what causes them to go into overdrive. Think about why they’re acting the way they are so that you can find a way out of the situation. Getting to know them well will help you deal with them more effectively. Genuine empathy may even be able to persuade them to join you on your side, assuming you are actually on their side.

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Pay attention to the words you use

In the workplace, it’s important to be honest and open but you also need to be tactful and careful when dealing with a difficult supervisor. The tension between you and your manager will only be exacerbated if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time, are disrespectful, or are perceived to be disrespectful. Maintaining a goal-oriented mindset when conversing with your boss is one way to ensure that your interactions are both professional and fruitful. Instead of focusing on their personality or the issues in your relationship, this means that you are talking about work or other topics that will assist you in achieving your goal.


Make an effort to put yourself in the shoes of your boss to better understand what he or she is going through. For example, your boss might have to deal with top executives of your company. Possibly, they’re going through a rough patch in their personal life. It’s possible that having a better understanding of your boss’s position will allow you to see things from a different perspective. The most important thing to remember is that you are not the problem, and that understanding this can help you better accept and cope with difficult situations.

Write a diary

Make a list of possible solutions to the conflict between you and your boss after analysing the situation. Creating a list of possible solutions and figuring out how to implement them is the best path to success in any situation. To the extent that you can solve them yourself, do so and see if it has any positive effect. If this is the case, talk about how you two can collaborate to make the situation even better.

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Discuss with each other

In many cases, the best way to resolve interpersonal conflicts is simply to openly discuss them with each other in a safe environment. Approach your boss if you see a problem and ask for some time to discuss the issues you are seeing. Try to work out a compromise for the benefit of the workplace by presenting these options to them. Of course, you shouldn’t launch an attack right away. Begin with an open mind and an eagerness to learn.

If problems persist, seek help from other managers

Unfortunately, there isn’t always a simple solution to a problem. A solution may not be in your hands when you’re dealing with another party. Problems will not go away if you don’t bring them up with other members of the management team and the boss does not want to change his or her behaviour. An outside third party can either help bridge the gap or completely solve a problem by imposing severe discipline on an offender.

It is okay to move on when the time is right for you

You can’t control everything that happens to you. If you and your coworker are unable to come to an agreement that results in a productive and enjoyable workplace, consider moving on to a different position. You only get one shot at this life, so don’t waste it in a job that makes you dread going to work every day. You’ll be more productive, and one day you’ll be able to work for the boss of your dreams.