Get a girlfriend by making yourself the obvious choice for the female you desire, so that she chooses to chose you above all the other males following her. Not a word of fluff like “be more confident” or “talk to more girls” can be found in this article. To get the female you desire as a girlfriend, there are simply 20 tried-and-true steps you can take right now.

Give up trying to find a woman to date

It’s time to give up on getting a girlfriend, and that means giving up trying. Take the opposite approach and have no expectations from any new encounters you have with a female. You’ll be surprised at how much attention women pay to your “not giving a shit” attitude. Most men will go to tremendous efforts to win the affection of random women, while those who aren’t concerned with winning the affection of random women stand out like a rose among thorns. The fact that a man isn’t hesitant to express his views and argue with them shows that he’s worth talking to shows that women appreciate a challenge.

Make her pay attention to you

Engage women in conversation by dressing to impress and accessorising with eye-catching jewellery and clothing. Start with leather coats, fine jewellery, and well-tailored suits for a sophisticated look. The tattoo you’ve always wanted may finally come to fruition now.

The more you can do to spice things up in your presentation, the more women you’re likely to attract. Has your mind already been made up about a female partner? Consider sending these texts to a female you like if you know her phone number.

Get yourself ready to go up to her

Eliminate any remaining obstacles before contacting her, such as the belief that she won’t be interested in you because you’ve never had a girlfriend.

You won’t get anywhere with that kind of thinking. Learn how to replace some of the most prevalent excuses for not taking action by giving yourself good reasons to do so. Let’s imagine the following: I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk to her because she doesn’t seem interested in me. = “She’s out of my league.” “I wonder whether she’s cool enough to hang out with?” This will give you the self-assurance to approach the women you’re interested in, and you’ll develop into a very likeable person.

Be confident when talking to her

Now that you’re ready, go ahead and approach her. Make eye contact, relax your body language, and smile as you approach.

Keep your vocal intonation low when speaking with her so that she doesn’t find it offensive. What a tremendous turnoff that is. Alter your verbal accent to something neutral or negative instead. If your voice sounds anything like Vin Diesel’s, you’re in luck. When you’re talking to her, keep a smile on your face and lean slightly backwards so that you’re not in her face. Strike her with a stare and explain your sudden compulsion to come over and say hello now. The best way to do this is with a sincere compliment.

Give her a sincere compliment

Explain to her why you chose to approach her and be as specific as you can. Make use of the first item that caught your eye when she walked in the room with you. This is probably due to the fact that she has a cute little grin, has dimples, or that she’s wearing a bun for the first time when you see her often.

If you happen to run into a stranger during the day, say something like, “Hey, I know this is random, but I just went past you and thought I had to go back and chat with that female,” or something similar. To avoid embarrassment, if you happen to encounter her in a bar, just ignore the uncomfortable. Saying “Hello” or “Hi, I spotted you across the bar” is sufficient.

Make a joke about her

To tease a female you adore is the quickest way to develop sexual tension between you two. Tease women on a regular basis as a habit.

Men who bravely tease women subconsciously send a message that their genes rock to them by giving them a stress-relieving “high,” which increases their attraction to them. It shows her that you aren’t afraid of conflict and that she can rely on you to stick to your guns and tell the truth when it’s required.. You’re a giver, not a taker, and you know it. Opportunities for teasing will occur spontaneously if you adhere to your principles and quit pretending to agree with ladies all the time. Keep an eye out for anything endearing or amusing she says or does so you can bring it up later on.

Don’t talk about anything but her

Make her the centre of your conversation by paying close attention to her. With so many things to chat about, you’ll never be short on topics to tease her about.

If you want a girl to like you, she needs to know you are paying attention to her. Because of this, you’ll have more opportunities to tease her because she’ll throw you content on a silver platter when everyone’s looking at her. Who or what influenced your decision to sit at this particular desk? You didn’t choose it because you saw me sitting here, did you? In the first place, what drew you to the park? I thought you were someone looking for food in the bins, sorry! What is it about dogs that you find repulsive? She’s a total kitty snob. Let’s say she has a total of twelve feline companions. When you disagree with something she says or find something she says attractive, you can remark something like, “I don’t think you and me are going to get along.” or something like. That girl will leave a conversation thinking, “That guy was so much fun,” when in actuality she has just talked about herself. Do not let her leave before getting her phone number, however!

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Obtain her contact information

When you think the conversation has reached its zenith, make reasons to leave and get her phone number.

To give her some space, even if she doesn’t leave the bar, it’s smart to take a few steps away to be with your friends and tell them about you. Later on in the evening, she’ll probably find you and you’ll be able to continue talking. It’s known as the push-pull effect. Always take a step back before engaging in any new encounter to avoid giving the impression that you’re not planning on leaving. You may get her number by just handing her your phone and saying you’ll text her to get it.

Take her out on a date

Don’t try to cram too much information into a short space of time. Ask her out on a date once you’ve aroused her interest, made her feel at ease, and gotten her excited about meeting up with you. Insinuating the idea of going on a date at the beginning of the conversation is an easy way to naturally lead the conversation in that direction. It’s possible you two met in a coffee shop and she, too, is a coffee fiend. After that, you can mention a locally owned specialty coffee business that just opened up a few blocks away. Just mix the two and suggest that the two of you go to a new coffee shop together, for instance.

A few things to keep in mind when texting a female you like even if texting has its own set of standards and etiquette — There’s no need to second-guess yourself; simply send it and go on. After you’ve texted her, go about your day. Don’t double text if she doesn’t respond right away. Do not send an SMS unless it makes you laugh or smile. – Using texting for serious or boring discussions is against the spirit of the medium. She’s not seeking for friends; she’s looking for a lover. – The conversation should always come to an end when it reaches its zenith. To keep her interested, rather than to become her text buddy, keep her on the verge of tears. Here’s an entire essay I wrote on how to text a girl and not lose her interest in you if you need any more texting tips.

What kind of place should you choose for a first date?

Opt for a place where you can relax, be yourself, and participate in activities without feeling rushed. On a first date, avoid going out to dinner. They’re inconvenient, costly, and stuffy.

Make sure you either offer to split the cost or say, “I’ll get this and you can buy the drinks later.” if she insists on eating dinner with you. If she truly believes in equal rights for all, she will be powerless to refuse! Which of these places would be ideal for a first-date outing? Zoos are great because there is never a shortage of things to see and do, as well as topics of conversation. Once you’ve seen hundreds of them, it feels like you’ve travelled the world together, so you have this distorted sense of time as if you’ve known each other for a long time. She’ll grasp your hand when she spots a cute or frightening animal. Play an active role in giraffe and elephant care as well as goat feeding. A lot of fun is had by all and if she feels comfortable with you then she’ll grab you a lot. Arcades, ten pin bowling alleys, hookah lounges, and pubs in general are all great venues to get close to someone. When it comes to second dates, the movies are OK, but not when it comes to the first date. Because all you can think about is making a move, you’ll feel like a lead balloon if nothing happens before the credits roll. You can’t speak, it’s awkward as f*ck and unpleasant.

Commence your date by expressing your admiration for her

Women can spend a lot of time getting ready for a first date, including picking out an outfit, applying makeup, and doing their hair. After she’s done all she can for you, be sure to express your gratitude by giving her an honest compliment. “Wow…you’re just stunning.”

Strive to achieve a lot of your goals

The fact that you have high expectations of other people shows them that you are a powerful person who is resistant to change. Women find this very attractive because it conveys the message that you place a high emphasis on your own worth and dignity. You have faith in your abilities and determination to succeed.

As a result, she’ll have a greater regard for you and be more likely to remember never to do it again. In order to make up for her tardiness, she’ll probably kiss you later on! He’ll treat her with respect and treat others with respect as well, which makes him a very valuable man. Don’t be shy about sitting with her, opening doors for her, and going above and beyond in a brave manner. Show her and others that you care about them by tipping waiters and bartenders. You must earn someone’s respect before you can expect to be respected yourself.

What not to talk about on a date

When you’re out with someone, avoid talking about these seven subjects at all costs. The primary reason these seven topics are so detrimental is because they disrupt the flow of conversation and generate more debate than chemistry.


If you’re angry of earlier meetings with women, you’ll come out as bitter when you bring up ex-girlfriends or ladies who slipped through your fingers. You’ll come across as if you’re still pining for someone if you’re confident. It’s best to avoid using the phrase “lovers lost” in either circumstance. The only people who are interested in how many cars you have when you brag about your fortune are gold diggers. When it comes to quality women, bragging will be seen as a sleazy attempt to create your self-worth in order to win the approval of others. Workplace grievances – It’s boring and depressing to talk about work. Remember to keep your anger toward your boss to yourself. The news is unpleasant to hear for everyone. Don’t go there if you’re not interested in becoming a celibate monk. Keep your money in a savings account. Instead of bringing up money, have a conversation about your ambitions in life. Topical issues such as politics and current events inspire spirited debate and discussion. Is it more fun to yodel and kiss or is it more fun to dispute and fight? What do you think of what I just said? Once again, don’t bring drama to your date; instead, talk about toxic relationships in the trash can. Negative and poisonous relationships “Which way do you think this is going?” You don’t sign contracts on first dates, and you shouldn’t commit to the future of your relationship. Avoid questions like “what are you looking for?” that put her in a tough position. They’re about living in the now.

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Make an effort to be yourself in order to attract her attention

If you haven’t found a girlfriend yet, it’s probably because you aren’t yourself around the women you like.

Just to be clear, you’re not yourself when you’re around the women you like. Many factors that turn women off have been discussed, and one of the biggest “A-HA!” moments you’ve probably had while reading this piece is the realisation that you’ve always sought to satisfy women and make them like you. When it comes to girls, you’ve always avoided flirting with them because you’re afraid of being confronted or teased. As soon as you grasp this concept, the oceans will part, the water will change into wine, and you’ll be able to walk on water through the huge gates of heaven into the land of milk and honey!

Make sexual advances towards her

When you stop worrying about the outcome with every woman you meet, relax, and have some fun, you’ll naturally start to physically flirt with her.

There are a few places I’d recommend on a first date that are conducive to being physical. If you’re worried about how a female will respond if you touch her, take these first steps: – The next time you’re sitting next to her, place your hand on her nearest leg and use your little finger to lightly brush her neck. If you’re sitting next to her, remove something from her hair and use the back of your hand to intentionally graze her neck. Give her a quick high five and then unlock your fingers before letting off of her. Give her a small slap or a gentle push if she taunts you. Try again later if she doesn’t reject you the first time; if she doesn’t, pull away and give it another go. You’ll know she’s comfortable with it when she starts making physical contact with you again, such as leaning on your arm, holding your hand, or pushing you. They’re all telltale signs that she’s comfortable around you and even more so, attracted to you! After you’ve established that she’s flirting with you as well, it’s time to seal the deal with a passionate kiss.

Try to kiss her if you see her

When you see signs that she’s interested in you, make a move and kiss her. Women want to be greatly desired, not rationally examined. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s a good sign that your transfer won’t be rejected: You may tell that she’s interested in you by the following behaviours: – She fiddles with her hair while talking to you – She fixes her attention on your lips – She laughs heartily at all of your jokes (even if they aren’t funny) – She approaches you rather than you approaching her. Take my word for it; she wants you to kiss her with these brilliant green lights. Wait until there is a pause in the conversation and both of you are looking into each other’s eyes before making your move. The timing is right when you’re both smiling, you’re near (perhaps touching), and her gaze quickly travel from your eyes to your lips. She will admire your efforts and most likely accept your attempts if you try again after she rejects you initially. Many men give up after being rejected for the first time. Because you misinterpreted the context and forced the kiss, she wasn’t expecting it and was surprised, or she was uncomfortable kissing in public, this is a rookie mistake. What matters is that you keep trying and improving your ability to decode the situation.

Do not try to get a second date

After the first date, give her a kiss on the cheek and say, “Tonight was fun; we should do it again sometime.” Keep her intrigued by making her wonder what you mean when you say “sometime.” So don’t give too much away early in a relationship, else you’ll ruin the thrill of the chase and she’ll lose interest quickly. Women appreciate a challenge as much as men do.

In between dates, keep her interested in you by keeping things interesting for her

Don’t be available all of the time to keep her interested in you between dates. This will make her curious about you and make her want to talk to you more. In the event that you’re always available and promptly respond to her texts, she’ll believe you have nothing else going on in your life. The truth is that, even though she appears to be irate or unhappy with you, deep down, she doesn’t want you to put her first. This is especially true if you’re only “kind of dating” and haven’t committed emotionally in anything yet (e.g.

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Instead of responding “seriously,” try to react in a hilarious way that keeps her interested in you, for example, “the less available you are, the more captivated she will get.”

The more you pique her interest, the more likely it is that she’ll agree to another date with you. This is the best way to win over a woman’s heart. Continue to be cheery and skillfully exclude yourself from anything serious to keep her guessing about your character.

Because if you express your emotional attachment to a girl too soon, she’ll probably stop being your friend. Never tell a girl you love her or miss her when you’re first dating her. It’s okay to say it later on when you’re together. When others perceive you as more emotionally attached to them than to them, they will flee in fear. If you want to know how to get a girlfriend fast, watch this video.

It’s a terrific technique to let a girl know how much you adore her without having to explain yourself and risk scaring her away. I’m missing you because you were lovely in that black gown, and that’s something I’ll never forget. What stunning dress have you got planned for our upcoming get-together? Seeing the back of a Renault Megan just reminded me of how amazing your bum looked last night, and now I can’t stop thinking about you. See you soon = So, when am I going to get to see your wonderful a$$ again? It looks like Friday is going to be a great day. I like you = You made such an impression on me the other night that I’m thinking about letting you borrow some of my needles in my crack house. I adore you, so much so that I’m convinced we’d get along just fine in HELL. Here’s more information on how to text a female in between dates. Here’s an essay I wrote that goes into great detail about everything.

Make it official

When you’re seeing a woman you like, it’s tempting to fall into the “let’s clarify things” trap and try to verbally make things formal.

The way it works is as follows: Your affections for a girl grow stronger as time passes, and you want to spend more quality time with her. As your love for her increase, so does your devotion to that future together. When you’re with her, you’re terrified and nervous because you’re so desperate to be her boyfriend/girlfriend. As a result, you develop feelings of possessiveness toward the other person. In other words, you start looking for ways to “secure” your future. Despite your best efforts, she refuses… Maybe you even come out and ask how she feels about you, implying that your feelings are strong for her. No woman would be interested in any of this, as I’m sure you can guess. Performing these actions when you have feelings for a female is weird because it comes naturally to you. Is there a solution to this conundrum? It’s simple, but the results are surprising. When you’re with her, your primary focus should be on having a good time, not on making any important decisions. Think about it: wouldn’t you want to meet someone again if you had a good time the first time you met them? Don’t you think that if things just kept going the way they were, you’d end up in a relationship with them? Nevertheless, you’d only do it out of guilt if they were a nervous wreck the entire time and tried to PUSH you into spending more time with them. Remorse also does not attract boyfriends, which is a shame. So, anytime you’re together, focus on making her smile and putting a big grin on her face by living in the moment. While you can tease her about upcoming get-togethers, don’t try to exert any sort of control over her while you’re around her. Simply add the phrase “sometime” to keep it open-ended. “We should rent motorcycles from time to time and go to that secret beach,” says the group leader. Being a boyfriend and girlfriend should be an easy transition after a few dates. Never try to impose your will on the situation.

Allow your self-confidence to grow naturally

I want to give out one more thing about how to naturally create confidence before you go out and use this strategy to get the girlfriend of your dreams. Confidence is like crack cocaine to women, it’s no secret. As a result, I must implore you to take action and put what you’ve just learned into practise so that your self-assurance grows as you go along. Take a chance and flirt with the girls you like more. Assuming that every female is infatuated with you.

Concluding the discussion

It was a lot of fun to put together this guide on “how to locate a partner.” I hope it’s helpful to you in your search for the woman of your dreams and that you use it to find her. Because Rome wasn’t built in a day, you’ll have to get your priorities right if you want a woman. Rather of focusing on your need for a companion, your main concern should be finding one. No. If you really want to succeed, you must put your focus on something far more important: YOU. So, stop putting others on a pedestal, stop letting people cross the line, and stop caring what other people think in order to attract the girls you desire. You’ll begin to give the idea that you’re content without the company of women. Taking risks and approaching and talking to girls will become less frightening, as well as your fear of rejection will diminish. Getting a girlfriend won’t be the most important thing in the world to you; it’ll just be an added perk to an already amazing life. Women are attracted to males who exude confidence in themselves. Who is it that has a clear goal in mind? These individuals lead lives they are proud of and refuse to let anyone else dictate their choices or activities to them. You don’t have to change into a whole different person to take advantage of any of this. What matters is that you are aware of who you are, what you desire, and how to go about achieving that goal. As a result, you’ll be more successful in life and find a partner.