Refund policy

Policy on Returns and Exchanges

We sell downloadable e-books on Our top concern is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the purchase. If you want to return or exchange a product, one or more of the following conditions must be met:

  • It arrived in a physically damaged state. Is there any missing components or accessories? Isn’t the same as what was ordered
  • All items must be returned in their original condition, including price tags, user manuals, warranty cards, original accessories, and the manufacturer’s box/packaging in which they were sent.
  • Return goods according to the guidelines for each category. If the items are not returned in accordance with the policy, we reserve the right to refuse the return pickup. The consumer is responsible for the delivery charges in the event of a return.

Return policies are not accepted while the products are on sale or with discounts.

What’s the procedure for returning my products?

Within 7 days of purchase, send us an email at [email protected] with your order number, or phone us at +91 9811952340. Please note that we will not accept your return/replacement beyond 7 days. Our customer service representative will respond with any additional information needed. Following an inspection of the item, a replacement unit or a refund will be offered. If the goods is qualified for a refund, you have the option of returning it by courier pickup or self-return.

Pickup by courier

We do not currently provide courier collection services, thus customers will have to return or exchange products manually.

Return to oneself

In the case of a self-return, the client can use a courier or postal service to return the product. It is the customer’s duty to supply all of the paperwork required by the courier in order for the item to be returned to our address. The object must be in an unusable state in order to be returned.

Procedure for a refund

Only after we have received the product back in our warehouse and performed all quality checks and verifications on our end will the refund process begin. The method of return may be determined by the payment method used when the order was placed. Please keep in mind that promotional coupons, shipping fees, and COD (Cash On Delivery) fees are all non-refundable. Please contact our Customer Care team for a refund on payments made by credit card, debit card, or net banking. After your order has been cancelled, you can get an immediate refund or replacement. If you want a refund to your bank account/credit card, the bank/payment gateway will process it within 15 working days of your order cancellation. Payments paid by DD/Cash on Delivery are handled within 15 days of receiving your bank account information.