
Software development is a fast-paced and ever-changing field, and it’s important to keep up. It can be difficult to choose which software development tools to employ in your day-to-day work, but in order to produce high-quality software quickly, you must use the best tools available.

The software development industry has been constantly evolving to keep up with the demand for new products and services. To this end, a slew of new programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and other development aids are being released on a near-daily basis.

It is your job as a developer to write and test the code, deploy and document it, communicate with your team, and keep track of the project’s progress. There are a plethora of tools available for each of the aforementioned processes.


Platform for building the world’s most popular computer software GitHub is a service for hosting Git repositories online. The best way to describe it is as a cloud-based storage service for software projects, where you can store and organise your source code. You can choose to make your project public or private when you upload it. The project has a huge following and an even larger fan base. Collaborative development can also be found on the open-source platform, where coders can learn from each other and build better software.

There are a number of repetitive tasks that must be automated in order for you to save time and reduce the possibility of human error before your code can be made available to your customers. The Github repositories and actions feature enables you to configure a set of tasks that will be executed when you commit or merge code to a branch.


Almost no one can create a successful and robust app for the market on their own, as code is written in a community of developers. It should be easy to communicate with an agile development team of 10 people or less, but there are a number of communication tools that can actually have the opposite effect.

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Slack is the hub of all communication within an organisation. To get things done, you need people, information, and tools all in one place. That’s where collaboration happens. Slack has been a huge help in cutting down on the number of emails being sent out each day while also improving communication within and across departments. Each team has their own channels in Slack, but they all have a “common” channel where they can communicate about company news and jokes. I think it has strengthened our bonds even more! This makes it easier to stay focused because each channel has a specific topic; you know exactly where to look for information and where you can post a question and get an immediate response. You can also use the chat feature to communicate with the rest of the team in real time, even if you’re on a different channel. The drag-and-drop feature is easy to use, and it allows you to share any type of file, along with comments and tags, with others.


Small iterations (sprints) are used to break down large tasks (epics) into smaller ones (stories), with the end goal of delivering a releaseable portion of the final product as a result. There is a product backlog and a sprint backlog for the current iteration in order to keep track of everything that needs to be done.

Tracking work in Asana is the simplest way for teams to collaborate. Sharing, planning, organising, and tracking the progress of each team member’s assigned tasks is made possible by this task management tool. Using it is simple and free for groups of up to 30 people. For each project, a team can create a workspace that includes all of the necessary projects and tasks.


As a software developer, you’ll need a text editor because you’ll be writing code. There are a plethora of text editors available, but we recommend Atom because of its ease of use and robust functionality. It’s a GitHub-created text editor. An open source code with a lot of integrations that will make your life as a programmer much easier.

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Git is a version control system (VCS) that allows you to save your work and easily and securely go back and forth between revisions. Another benefit is that multiple developers can work on the same piece of code at the same time. The most popular version control system (VCS) is Git.

As a distributed version control system (VCS), Git is designed to handle everything from small to large projects with speed and efficiency. In order for a developer to finish a project, they have to keep making changes to the code over and over again.

Version control is a tool that keeps track of all the changes made to a file so that other people can review, edit, and improve upon them. Each developer’s work is represented by a copy of their source code.

IntelliJ IDEA

All the tools you need to develop a platform can be found in an integrated development environment (IDE). As soon as IntelliJ IDEA has indexed your source code, it provides a fast and intelligent experience by providing relevant suggestions in every context: instant and clever code completion, code analysis, and trusted refactoring tools.

In addition to writing code, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) gives you access to tools that a text editor does not, such as debugging and testing code, running a terminal, creating automations, and adding libraries, to name just a few. JetBrains developed IntelliJ, a proprietary IDE that comes in two versions: a free community edition with many features, and a more robust enterprise edition.


It’s a static code analyzer called ESLint. In the course of writing software, it is inevitable that mistakes will be made; linters exist to assist in the detection, suggestion, and resolution of some of these errors. There are many options for each language. As the most popular JavaScript code linter, ESLint can be extended to follow the code rules of organisations such as Airbnb.

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Terminator is a programme that simulates the use of a terminal. git (and more) commands can be used to install packages, run your app, and check your network configuration. In a terminal, you can do any of the above. Every operating system comes with its own built-in terminal, but there are always more to choose from, one of which is Terminator. It allows you to open multiple sessions in a single window and customise each one to your own preferences.


Developers who want to start creating or consuming APIs must first find a tool that allows them to send HTTP requests and interact with the backend quickly and easily. Postman makes it simple and clean to create, test, debug, document, monitor, and publish APIs.

Google Docs

Using Google Docs to document the architecture, set up environment, description of the services and API usage is an important part of delivering quality and sustainable code. There should be a repository for all of this information, and Google Docs is one of the most common options for doing just that. Google Docs can serve as a repository for everything from meeting minutes to architectural designs and product roadmaps.

Stack Overflow

Even though it isn’t a tool in the traditional sense, it is the largest online community for programmers, with more than 50 million monthly visitors. In this setting, they can broaden their professional horizons by gaining new skills and exchanging existing ones. Almost every day, developers log on to this forum to find answers to any questions or concerns they may have.