It is possible to enhance your organic traffic with the help of these 18 simple tactics. Many of these tactics will be included into our own SEO campaign.

Optimization of the favicon

Optimizing the favicon is the first and greatest priority. And now that 2020 has passed, I’m even more surprised that this hasn’t been debated more. Mobile search results on Google are enhanced with favicons, which can increase or decrease your click-through rate depending on how high the contrast is and whether the favicon is visible. Even if the difference is only a few percentage points, a well-designed favicon can have a huge impact.

Improvements to the breadcrumb trail

While we’re at it, let’s optimise our favicons for breadcrumb visibility. Google’s search results include breadcrumbs on desktop and mobile. As a result, your click-through rate may be negatively affected. As a result, Google’s breadcrumbs come from a wide range of places presently. Your URL, schema markup, or even your page’s real breadcrumbs can all be used in this way. Make sure Google is displaying the breadcrumbs you want them to using the keywords you specified. This is important. If you’re using schema markup, include breadcrumbs and links in your content using schema markup. Even while it’d be great, it doesn’t always fit your URL structure. Thus, a superb audit of the breadcrumb trail.

Descriptions of meta tags

Here are some suggestions for improving the meta descriptions. This is the purest kind of search engine optimization. Meta descriptions are used by 30% of websites, according to a recent study. Considering that a research found that Google rewrites meta descriptions 70 percent of the time because they omit keywords, it’s easy to see why. To entice users to click, we need to build an engaging meta description. This involves using keyword-rich descriptions that people are genuinely searching for. As a result, when Google displays your meta description, it will increase clicks and serve as marketing copy for your website.

Page titles

Meta descriptions and titles are both important components of a website. In a prior study, I discovered that including dates in title tags enhanced search engine ranks for a certain brand. When it comes to title tags, numbers are always one of the first things I attempt, and the outcomes are almost always the same. Title tags with dates, such January 2021, tend to do well in search results. Don’t be a pain in the neck about it, though. If something doesn’t make sense, leave it out. Same goes for making something up. Using a number, on the other hand, nearly always improves your click-through rate.


It was like receiving a present from Google when they included them in search results. The FAQ structure gives you a lot of SERP space. If you win the how-to schema as well as the competition, it can have a major impact on the number of people who click on your result and investigate the FAQ schemas you have created. It’s not appropriate for all web pages. You’ll want to verify that the FAQs are in fact on your website’s pages. If used correctly, though, this can be a method of generating clicks without harming your Google ranking.

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Relaunch the most popular material

Number seven is now in the bag. Please republish your most popular material in 2018. This is the year to do it. Content can become stale over a short period of time. To that end, we’ve put out some stuff online. You’ve built a blog from the ground up, launched it, and used social media to spread the word about it. After then, the vast majority of people completely disregard it. Relaunch popular content from the last two to five years, if you want to go that far back, and see what can be changed while keeping the same URL for the new launch. It’s possible to see gains of 500 percent to 1,000 percent by relaunching old content that has been modified. To that end, in the year 2021, you should carry out a launch audit.

Strengthen internal links

There are two levers that top SEO firms may most easily pull when it comes to rapidly raising rankings for their customers. In order to enhance clicks, title tags and meta descriptions should be used. However, increasing internal links should also be considered. Internal linking on your site can be improved in several ways, some of which you may already be aware of. Here are a few quick and easy methods to help you get the job done quickly and easily.

Replace old links with new ones

In your old content, replace any out-of-date links with new ones. Many people forget to do this important step. If you produce a new blog post or piece of content, be sure to go back and add the new links to your previous posts. Using Google Search Console or tools like Keyword Explorer, you can see which other pages on your site are ranking for the top phrase you want to rank for. You can then link to the new content on those other sites. The bounce rate goes down when I re-run the experiment. Adding new content and links to your existing page doesn’t only improve its relevance; it really increases it. You’re adding links to your newly published material as metadata. As a result, be sure to update your old material with fresh links whenever you publish new content.

Remove all non-essential links from your content

PageRank sculpting is demonstrated here. PageRank sculpting is a pejorative term in SEO, but it can be effective in some circumstances. Page sculpting using nofollow links isn’t the same as nofollowing the links on the page. We’re removing any links that aren’t absolutely necessary. Are links to your team’s page on each page of your site truly necessary? How many links to your contact form does your website need? In many cases, the answer is no. You’re prone to doing things like that. You can convey more link equity to the important links by deleting the ineffective ones, which are a key Google ranking indication.

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Mobile link parity audit

What exactly do you mean by that? What is a mobile device link parity audit? In other words, be certain that the links on your mobile site are the same as those on your desktop site. What does this mean exactly? This means that Google now sees your mobile site as the same as your desktop site because of Google’s recent shift to a mobile-first index. That is of primary importance. So many websites have a desktop version and then just have a mobile version, resulting in broken links. They get rid of things like navigation in the header and links at the bottom of the page. A recent analysis found that the average desktop page has 61 links, whereas the average mobile page has 54. Mobile pages have seven less links than desktop pages across the web, suggesting that link equity is being lost significantly. So, do your own web-based investigation. Make sure your desktop and mobile websites have equivalent mobile link parity to avoid losing that equity.

Long-form articles and blog posts

To be clear, I’m not saying that the length of an article influences its ranking. It’s not true. Short-form content has the potential to score well. Because long-form content routinely garners more links and shares, I urge you to make the investment. Additionally, it appears higher in Google’s search results than the original. There’s nothing wrong with content that’s only a few hundred words long. Short-form content appeals to me much. Long-form content, on the other hand, frequently gives you more bang for your buck in terms of SEO ranking potential.

Make use of more headers

Use additional headers when writing long-form content and make sure to follow step 13! The H2 and H3 tags are what I’m referring about. Break up your content with keyword-rich header tags. Why? Featured snippet rankings are determined by the number of header tags you have, according to A.J. Ghergich’s findings. According to their most recent analysis, sites with 12-13 header tags had the most featured snippets. As a result, be certain to use header tags to separate your data. It helps to put things in perspective. It’s a great way to improve the ranking potential of your content.

Use subject clusters to your advantage

Instead of releasing one piece of material after another, spread your efforts out. Make sure you link to other articles on the same topic that you’ve written. You may increase engagement by having readers read multiple articles and linking them together effectively. You’ll be able to integrate the necessary inner contextual links. As you’ll see in the transcript below, someone has already done this and gotten amazing results. As a result, you should begin planning your 2021 subject clusters now.

Removal of content from tabs

Finally, take everything out of the tabs. Studies show that content that is removed from tabs and placed in the main body, where users don’t have to click to read it, performs better than content that is concealed in tabs whether you have accordions or drop-downs, or if you have to click to see it. Clearly, Google doesn’t differentiate between tab content. That indexing and ranking process appears to be a piece of cake for them. Consumers engage with content more when it’s outside of tabs, and those signals could help those sites rank higher, according to my theory, at least.

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Sitemaps permit the inclusion of 50,000 URLs. This is a question you’ll see on just about every SEO test. How many URLs can be included in a sitemap at one time? As an alternative, if you have a large site that is having indexing issues, you should only create 10,000 sitemaps. All 50,000 may not be utilised. Smaller sitemaps with fewer URLs may aid boost crawlability, according to our research. It’s almost as though Google is prioritising certain pages more highly. It appears to be supported by the evidence. In addition, Google Search Console provides some additional details. On the other hand, you can keep track of which data is being indexed.

Make use of dynamic sitemaps

Also, make use of dynamic sitemaps. Sitemaps are dynamic when you want them to change based on what you want Google to see. If you have a large number of URLs that you want Google to crawl, put the most important ones in a separate sitemap. You might want to keep it to a maximum of 1,000. As soon as Google finds and crawls them, delete them and replace them with fresh, high-priority URLs that you want Google to locate instead. Don’t include too many links in your sitemap, and be sure to tell Google the pages you want them to pay attention to.

Obtaining a passive link

Passive link acquisition involves the creation of content that, when found in the SERPs, gets links automatically. It frees me from having to make personal contact with people. It suggests that when journalists, bloggers, or the general public come upon it, they feel forced to include a link to it in their work. Producing the kinds of content that journalists, bloggers, and website designers are looking for is how you do it.

Be the final one to click

What am I trying to say exactly? I’m referring to meeting the needs of your clients. When people click on your ad, you want to be the first one they see, but you also want to be the final one they see. This is a good sign because it means they’ve found their answer. User satisfaction is the most important rating factor. Everything is designed to satisfy the user and give them what they want. That’s the how search engine optimization functions. You give them what they want just as they need it. If you can be the final click, your ranking will almost surely improve and you’ll get the traffic you deserve.