
Being able to tell if someone is made for you is a skill that many people have some success with. In this article, we break down some of the most common characteristics to look for in potential partners.

You have many shared interests

In the beginning of a relationship, it’s important to find out what your partner enjoys and is interested in. By exploring shared interests, you can build a stronger connection and make sure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to things you enjoy. Here are some easy ways to tell if she’s made for you:

-If she loves reading romance novels, then you’re likely compatible.
-If she’s a fan of traveling, then you’ll probably have plenty in common.
-If she loves spending time outdoors hiking or birdwatching, then you’re perfect together.

By taking the time to find out what makes your partner happy, you’ll be well on your way to creating a lasting relationship.

You resolve fights

You don’t argue constantly. You’re able to stay calm in the face of provocation. You know when to get off your soapbox and back down to normal conversation levels. She doesn’t get mad when you forget her birthday. She’s not afraid to tell you when she’s not happy.

You see a future with her

If you can imagine a future with her by your side, then she’s made for you. However, if she fills your life with anxiety and doubt, she’s not right for you. If she makes you feel like the world is against you, then she’s not right for you. If spending time with her leaves you feeling drained and empty, she’s not the one for you. And finally, if nothing makes sense when you’re around her and all of your conversations end in frustrating silence, she’s not the one for you.

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She Completes You

If she completes you, then she’s definitely made for you. If you find yourself constantly drawn to her, if every time you see her you can’t help but want to be around her, if she makes your heart race and your mind foggy all at the same time, then she’s definitely the one for you. And there’s no need to worry – finding someone who complements who you are is a rare and special thing, and once you’ve found her, there’s no going back.

She accepts you as you are

The first indication that she may be the one for you is when she accepts you as you are. She doesn’t try to change or mold you into someone that you’re not, she just accepts you for who you are. If your partner is supportive and loving, they will be accepting of your flaws and shortcomings just as long as they know that you’re trying to make changes. Secondly, if she’s able to forgive you for past mistakes, she’s likely a keeper. Lastly, if she makes you feel like the most important person in the world, she’s definitely worth pursuing.

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She is comfortable in her own skin

Although we all have flaws, there’s something about a girl who is confident in hers that makes us feel drawn to her. If you’re noticing a girl more and more and she doesn’t have any major flaws, it might be time to ask yourself if she’s made for you. Here are some ways to tell if a girl is made for you:

1. She’s secure in who she is. A girl who is confident in herself doesn’t worry about what other people think of her or how she looks. She knows who she is and likes who she is, no matter what anyone else says. This type of self-assuredness is one of the things that makes a girl stand out from the crowd.

2. She’s authentic. A girl who is authentic doesn’t put on airs or act like someone she’s not. She speaks her mind, does what she wants, and isn’t afraid to be herself around you. This type of personality is rare but worth finding.

3. She has high standards. No matter what anyone tells you, there’s always somebody out there with higher standards than you are.

You connect on a deeper level

The connection you feel with someone is a sign that she’s made for you – the two of you are meant to be together. To know for certain, examine how you connect on a deeper level. Do you have the same values? Do your thoughts match up? If so, then she’s definitely made for you!

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She is candid with you

She is loyal. She is trustworthy. She always puts others first.

If you can list off any of these qualities in your partner, chances are you have found someone who is made for you. Candidness is a huge sign that your partner trusts and respects you enough to be open with you. Loyalty means that she will always put your interests first, no matter what. Trustworthy traits reflect her character and how she handles important relationships – she will always be honest with you and upholds your trust.

The spark is always alive

When you meet someone and there’s a deep connection between you two, it’s hard to not feel it. There’s this undeniable electricity that flows between the two of you and you know instinctively that this person is meant for you.

It’s great if she makes you feel special. No one is perfect, but if your girlfriend makes a point of putting effort into making sure you feel special, it means she values your opinion and wants to spend time with you. She is the one if she listens to you attentively. When someone is truly interested in what you have to say, they will listen without interruption or judgment.